BizLeap HR Mobile App Version 2.2 was Released!

Your HR Management is on mobile.
Released Date: September 1, 2022

What's new?

New Features Updated

BizLeap technology announces the release of its newest version 2.2 of popular HR Mobile with more features and improvements requested by the customers. You can learn more details new features from this released note. Let's see what are the updates:


  • If the internet is not accessible, the app displays an alert for the internet connection.


  • The app sends the notification for in-time and out-time submitting.
  • Can setup the reminder time in the setting for the clocking notification.


  • The logged-in employee can view his/her in-time and out-time in the attendance.


  • Clocking can be done in the office and remotely with the configuration of the remote allowed feature.
  • Clocking lite feature for unsupported location devices.


  • Can apply Rest Day task, Overtime Assignment task, and Attachment Full Payroll Assignment task.
  • Can attach the attachment when applying the tasks.


  • The logged-in employee can check his/her payslips per month.
  • In the payslip, the app displays the pay data more specifically, including allowance and deductions and many other data.

What's better now?

Better Features

  • Better search performance and APIs updates.
  • Better UI improvements in the task apply, task detail, and attendance.
  • Minor bugs have been fixed.